Ensure you pick the correct website to suit your needs:

Template Website
Template Design, Customised to your needs
Brochure Website
Display your business online. Simple, yet effective.
Informative Website
Give you clients more Information about your products and services.
E-Commerce Website
Your shopfront online. Open your doors to all internet usersThe Design and Development Process
With the website design, ensure this is attractive and clean. Do not clutter the website up with images or text just for the sake of it. Ensure every element that is being placed on the site is useful to your clientele, looks attractive and has a purpose.
All your call-to-action buttons and forms need to stand out and have conversion elements integrated in. After all, the reason of a website is to engage consumers and get them to interact with your site. Whether this is a Contact Us button or a Buy Now button, they need to stand out and entice the client to click on them.
Backgrounds and images don’t need to take over your site – Yes it is nice to have these, but remember that these are not the reasons people are visiting your website. Maintain your companies look and feel whilst maintaining the focus on your key product or services.

Keep the website design simple and easy to navigate – it comes down to click efficiency. Minimise the amount of times consumers need to click to get to the information they require. The site structure is of the utmost importance for usability and also optimisation.
Website Development allows you to unleash your creative genius. Don’t follow everyone else, ensure the site is unique and reflective of your business. After all your site is your business online.